
Levi x Reader - Rebel Chpt 2

Deviation Actions

FreckledDancho's avatar

Literature Text

(a.n.: I got tired using General, Officer and the like over and over again sooo.. I’ll just be using those whenever I feel like it.)

“Surely for someone like Cadet (l/n) to capture Levi like that easily is really unbelievable. Heck, how did she even talk to him without being shot at?” Hanji said as she paced back and forth inside Erwin’s office. It’s been two days since Levi has been captured and taken under the Survey Police’s watchful eyes. “I mean; think about it. He could have shot her at the spot!” the brunette kept complaining.

“At least the country’s most dangerous criminal is imprisoned. We should be thankful for the little rookie.” Erd said, he was currently leaning on the wall to Erwin’s right. Then, the radio attached on his left breast pocket called out for him.  He then pushes himself off the wall and salutes at Erwin. “I’ll be heading off then, sir. Ma’am. “

“Alright, you are dismissed.” Erwin said, nodding at Erd. Erd nodded as well before he headed towards the exit, leaving the two to themselves. After letting Hanji complain for who knows how long, Erwin stood up which made the brunette stop her babbling and turn her attention to the tall blond. “Let’s check up on the other cadets, shall we?” Erwin suggested.

“Eh?.. Well, if you say so.” Hanji shrugged then opened the door for Erwin. She let him lead the way and trailed right behind. On the way to the court yard where prisoners were allowed to spend a few hours playing sports and the like, the ones under Erwin greeted him. If not, saluted to which he nodded back as to say that he had noticed them.

----- Time skip because I’m too lazy to type in whatever happened on their way into the court yard -----

“Well, it looks like things are back to normal.” Hanji said, seeing Olou and the other officers training the cadets in hand to hand combat. As the cadets and a few of the officers fought each other, they created dust that blocked out little of the sunlight coming from above. “It’s pretty cloudy today..” Hanji said, looking up into the sky.

“It’s going to rain.” Erwin said bluntly as he noticed that the clouds were getting darker. “It looks like they’re going to fight in ankle deep mud again.” he said as he gets second thoughts if he should give his men a break for once.

“Isn’t that a norm for them right about now?” a low, monotone voice spoke out, similar to Erwin’s, from behind the two. As Erwin and Hanji turned around, they discovered it was their old friend, Darius Zackly. The head of the investigation team in the area. “Ah, apologies for sneaking behind you.” He said, smiling at the two.

“Hey there! So, how’s the current murder case going?” Hanji asked as she gave Darius a friendly hug. It’s been a few weeks since someone decided to murder one of the investigation team’s members and mercilessly dismembered them.

Before speaking, Darius sighed and scratched the back of his head. “We’re… We’re working on it. It’s simply way too hard to try and figure out a crime scene with little to no evidence. Also, remember how I told you that the killing happened in a muddy place? We figured that the day one of our allies died is that it was raining, so whatever tracks of footprints had already been washed. The damned rain lasted the whole night.” he explained, clear disappointment in his tone.

Hearing this, Hanji took a step forward making Darius step back. “Do you think it’s Techno?” she asked, giving him a questioning look.

“Miss Zoe, we have no evidence against them. We can’t suddenly jump into conclusions like that.” Darius said, straightening his posture.

“Ask Levi.” Erwin suddenly interfered. While the two was talking, the blonde was silently listening as he looked out at the court yard, overlooking his subordinates. He then turns his gaze towards Hanji and Darius.

“Well, I suppose it is one of the few ways to figure things out.” Darius said, nodding at Erwin. “I’ll be available at around 5pm to 8pm. Anywhere outside of that; I’ll be someplace else.” He said before turning on his heels and walking towards the nearby exit. Lifting a hand to say good bye.

----- Time skip -----

“Bring him in.” commanded Erwin to one of his subordinates. Just a minute later, Levi and Jean enters the questioning room with a one sided mirror. Jean let’s Levi sit in one of the available bolted chairs and chained him there. Just as Jean leaves the room, Erwin spoke again. “Check for any hidden weapons.”

Then, (f/n) steps into the room and inspected Levi from head to toe. Whilst in the process, (f/n) gave him a glance. She suddenly flinched as she discovered that Levi had been glaring at her. His eyes were squinted while his eyebrows were furrowed as he kept their eye contact. “H-Hey! If you’re planning anything, forget it!” (f/n) tried to intimidate him but the only answer she got was a click of a tongue and an eye roll.

After the inspection, (f/n) quickly got out of the questioning room, not looking back. “She seems uneasy.” Mike, one of Erwin’s officers, commented as he kept a watchful eye on the cadet. “How did she talk to Levi again?” he asked.

“She said they argued first but somehow made him obedient. That little girl has some fire in her!” Hanji said, grinning. “But I think she’s better off with me than Oluo, don’t you think?” she said, nudging Erwin by his elbow.

“By the time the news spread about her capturing Levi, everyone wants her in their squad, Hanji.” Erwin said, giving Hanji a glance.

Darius then stepped into the room where Erwin and the others were to check up on everything. “Is everything set up?” he asked with a monotonous voice, turning to the people on the other room where computers were set up to monitor and record every single thing that may happen in the questioning room, where Levi and Darius will be isolated from any other human contact unless necessary.

“Yes sir.” Mike quickly answered.

As Darius goes into the questioning room, Erwin nods his head towards Hanji, triggering the brunette to turn to the other officers and cadets. “Alright, you guys are dismissed for now. But if you wanna stay, go ahead. Just don’t bug those people.” She said, gesturing to the ones on the observation room.

The majority of the officers and cadets left but a few stayed and watched intently as the questioning starts. A certain blonde whose full attention is obviously on the two inside the isolated room stepped up right beside Erwin, listening intently to every word spoken by both participants. “Looking for any holes in Levi’s answers, cadet Arlert?” Erwin asked.

“Just in case, sir. Mr. Levi has done a lot of unexpected things over the years of him free running through our country.” Armin replied, a hint of determination in his voice as his eyes remained fixated on Darius and Levi.

“I guess you’re right. Better safe than sorry.” Erwin commented with a clear, satisfied tone.

Just then, a faint beeping sound resounded from the observation room. Taking a peek, Hanji saw that a few people had quickly jump on their feet and tried to tend to one of the computers. The blonde sitting in front of it was starting to panic and the said few people didn’t help as they asked her what was going on. “I don’t know, alright?!” the blonde suddenly burst and stood up, storming away from the group.

“Wait, what the heck?!” one of them exclaimed as they tried to fix the problem. “Why are the files being deleted?!” they panicked.

“Someone must have hacked into the system!” the blonde girl said from across the room.

“That’s impossible, our computers are protected by high security programs. It shouldn’t be that easy to access them!” the man argued.

Seeing enough, Hanji turns back to where Erwin and the others were. But instead of concentrating on the two at the questioning room, all of them were staring at her questioningly.

SHIT! IT’S TECHNO!” someone half shouted from the observation room.
Honestly I wanted this to be uploaded before June but I guess I procrastinated way too much and ended up uploading it on the second week of June. What fun. X'D

ANYWAY! The good thing is that it's out and has more action compared to the first one. Which I am proud of lol. But then, shit will escalate on the third chapter, that I can promise! I just really have this good plot laid out on my mind which makes sense. For once in my entire time of writing fics.
But then I guess that's a sign of me improving? ;//v//; Ye?

Also, go ahead and brainstorm who the heck Techno is. X'D

Chapter 1: Levi x Reader - Rebel Chpt 1
Chapter 3: 

Art by kaytea22
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sak3452's avatar
hmmm Farland?